The Ozone Days is a seminar that will be held on March 23-24, 2022, at the UniLaSalle Campus (Beauvais, France).
The use of ozone for the valorization of agroresources and lignocellulosic fibers is in full development throughout the world. There is a real need to connect researchers and manufacturers in order to be able to develop applications using ozone, accompanying the process from research to industrial application.
Topics: ozone, oxidative process, cellulose, lignin, hemicelluloses, pulp bleaching, recycled fibers, pulp and paper industry, agri-food, agro-industry, food-health, food-processing industry, green chemistry
This seminar aims to:
- Present a State of the art of the development of ozone applications: pulp bleaching, agroresources preservation…
- Demonstrate the potential of ozone in the treatment of lignocellulosic fibers and agroresources.
Target audience
Researchers from University and Industry, PhD Students, Suppliers, Industry Players.
Specialists from academy, research centers and suppliers working in the field of ozone applications.
Plenary sessions and two parallel technical sessions will be organised on ozone treatment of lignocelluloses or agroresources respectively. They will present the main applications and perspectives of the use of ozone in these fields as well as the description of associated facilities.
This seminar is co-organized by UniLaSalle (Transformation & Agro-Resources Research Unit ULR7519 and LaSalle O3 R&D platform) and Grenoble INP – Pagora (Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Science and Graphic Arts – UMR 5518 CNRS / Grenoble INP / Agefpi).